Madagascar Appeal

Famine Crisis Response: Help Madagascar’s Christians

In the south of Madagascar, elderly “Catherine” wondered why her relatives did not come for their monthly visit. But she had no way to contact them, so she waited another month. Again, no visitors. Travelling by ox-cart, Catherine made the journey of 75 km from her remote village to the even more remote village where her relatives lived. She found that the whole family – parents and three children – were dead. They had died of starvation, just a few days before she arrived.

Drought, disease and death in Madagascar

Climate change has brought years of drought to Madagascar, leading to crop failure and famine.

A special porridge called ePap, made from maize and soya beans with added vitamins and minerals, quickly brings health to malnourished children and adults. Visible improvement can be seen after a few weeks of daily ePap, and the full effect is achieved after two months.

Barnabas Fund plans, Lord willing, to provide 234 tonnes of ePap for a rolling programme over two years reaching over 79,000 Christians across the 22 regions of Madagascar. This will increase their strength and health, enabling them to fight disease.

“You give them something to eat.”

Jesus told His followers, “You give them something to eat.” (Luke 9:13). Through Barnabas Fund you can do just that.

Please give.

  • £1.25 buys a 500g bag of ePap which will provided 10 days of nourishment for children aged 7 and over, or 20 days for younger children.
  • £7.50 buys 6 bags of ePap, enough to restore one older child or two younger children to health
  • £17 would provide enough ePap to nourish a family of five for a month
  • £1,200 ($1,640; €1,420) would cover the costs for one day of Barnabas Fund’s major ePap programme in Madagascar