You can keep a Christian family alive for the cost of one bread roll a day

11 September 2020

Will you partner with Barnabas Fund to feed poor and persecuted African Christians? Just 23p ($0.30; €0.25) a day will keep a family alive.

What can you buy for 23p ($0.30; €0.25)? A bread roll? A large onion?

This Nigerian child’s father was killed by militants. His mother wept for joy to receive food from Barnabas in the midst of Covid lockdown

Ground maize (often called “mielie meal”) is the staple food for most of sub-Saharan Africa. A 25kg sack – typical cost £7 ($9; €8) – will enable a family of five to survive for a month. That is just 23p ($0.30; €0.25) a day.

Both chronic and acute malnutrition are spreading in Covid-wracked Africa. The economic catastrophe of lockdown has brought a very real and ongoing threat of starvation – and not just in countries where food insecurity is sadly familiar. Kwashiorkor symptoms, such as a swollen belly, are appearing amongst children and even adults in Swaziland, where the disease has been unknown for many years.

Covid emergency support for Kenyan Christians earlier this year. Barnabas has already fed 600,000 Christians suffering from covid lockdown, locusts or both. Help us feed another 600,000 now

Save a family of five

Will you help us feed another 600,000 Christians?

Your gift of £21 ($27; €24) will keep an African Christian family alive for three months.