Egyptian Christians Celebrate the Return of Abducted Young Woman

July 10, 2018

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Christians in the Egyptian town of Zefta celebrated the surprise return of a young woman who was kidnapped on 24 May.

Amany Magdi, 20, went missing on her way to an end-of-year exam at Benha University. Worried friends called her home after she failed to arrive for the exam. Her parents reported her disappearance to police who told them Amany had converted to Islam and refused to let them see her.

Dozens of Christians protested in the town’s streets, calling for the safe return of the student.

Image source: Watani International
Amany returned home on 24 June, a month after being kidnapped

But on 24 June, a month later, Amany made a surprise phone call to her family and told them she was on her way home. Amany’s overjoyed father lifted her on to his shoulders after being reunited with her, and carried her home through the streets.

The details of Amany’s capture are not yet known, but the family said it would announce them later.

Scores of Christian girls are kidnapped in Egypt each year, before being forced to convert to Islam and marry a Muslim man. Among those taken this year are Rasha Khalaf Thabet, 18 , who was seen being forced into a car while on her way to visit her grandfather on 8 April.

Global Christian News

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